Constructive Entity, Sensor & Platform Modeling
Field testing new concepts, algorithms, and sensor systems is invaluable, but the time and expense required often limits the scope of testing. Sound systems engineering practice requires exercising techniques and solutions with test data that is robust and indicative of the variability they will encounter once deployed.
A specialty of Black River’s is the development of physics-based constructive simulations that emulate the collection through exploitation chain and allow engineers to stimulate their solutions with realistic data. We work, often cooperatively with government systems engineers, to design and field simulation environments that are cost-effective and at an appropriate fidelity to match the problem being explored. We may use existing simulations, or create our own unique application, or integrate into an existing framework.
We have developed a suite of simulations with government-purpose rights and available to qualified government contractors. We champion open architectures, software reuse, and non-proprietary solutions. Our goal; effectively enable systems engineers and software engineers to cost-effective explore and analyze systems-of-systems within realistically-simulated environments. Systems engineers can quickly configure simulations and test their designs. Software developers can rapidly implement and deploy new models and techniques.